Leaky Faucets
Fix leaky faucets.
Cover Pot
Put a lid on pots when you are cooking.
Running Water
Don't leave water running.
Energy Star Refrigeerator
Use an Energy Star refrigerator.
Fix any holes in floors, walls and ceilings.
Bake more than one item at a time, then freeze the extra to save on cooking energy.
Energy Star Stoves
Use an Energy Star stove.
Close Drapes
In the summer, close the drapes to keep out the heat.
Open Windows
Open windows in the Fall and Spring to save on air-conditioning.
Use Energy Star windows and doors.
Close Fireplace Damper
Close the fireplace damper when not in use.
Set the thermostat
Keep the thermostat at 68 degrees or lower in the winter, and 78 degrees, or higher, in the summer.
Clean light bulbs and fixtures
Clean light bulbs and fixtures for brighter light.
Replace candescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs)
Replace candescent light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs).
Use Energy Star rated light bulbs.
Turn off electronic games and devices
Turn off electronic games and devices when not in use such as TVs, radios, computers, etc...
Use Energy Star rated electronic devices.
Use Energy Star washers and dryers
Wash clothes in warm or cold water.
Rinse in cold water.
Put enough clothes in the washer and dryer to make a full load.
Use Energy Star rated washers and dryers.
Turm off lights when not in use
Turm off lights when not in use.
Clear dryer vent
Make sure the vent for the dryer is clear.
Ride a bicycle instead of driving when possible
Ride a bicycle instead of driving when possible.
Set the hot water heater to 120 degrees
Set the hot water heater to 120 degrees.
Use an Energy Star water heater.
Have your furnace or boiler serviced on a regular schedule
Have your furnace or boiler serviced on a regular schedule.
Use an Energy Star furnace or boiler.
Use task lighting for desks and workbenches
Use task lighting for desks and workbenches.